Kindergarten Teachers! |
So I realize that I am getting the blog started rather late this year....my apologies!
Despedida! Happy to Celebrate...Sad to say Goodbye! |
I returned to school and started working on August 1st. We had a week to prepare our classrooms before the students would arrive. Since the beginning, it has been crazy! I have quite the challenging class this year, especially with a couple boys who are constantly determined to try my patience. The month of September is really neat to experience with the Kindergarten because it is the month they celebrate independence. Watching the students learn their national anthem, national symbols, and memorize their heroes is a great thing to see!
Another kind of despedida... |
In addition to teaching Kindergarten, I am directing the High School Honor Choir along with the middle school band teacher, Mr. Jerezano. I think this will be a challenging task for the both of us, as he speaks little English and I speak little Spanish. Thankfully, I have improved enough to understand Spanish and he understands English, so we will make it work. I have begun planning the Holiday Benefit Dinner, that the choir hosts to raise funds...this event will give me grey hairs before the end!
Began by saying goodbye to lots of wonderful people who were leaving on their next assignments through the embassy or NGOs. Justin, Abigail, Ballah, Daniel, and Mario all off to another country.

Despite lots of working, I have had a few weekends to get away. I spent a great night in Zamorano with Sarah T., fellow teacher; Manuel, her husband; and Nico, their son. Zamorano is the agricultural valley closest to Tegucigalpa and a much needed respite from the city noise. Another weekend, I went rock climbing in Parque La Tigra with Jerry and was finally able to rappel the waterfall! A couple friends and I attended the Salsa Congresso to watch the competitions and get to dance afterwards, which was pretty cool. And the start of the year would not be complete without another trip north to Lago de Yojoa. This time with some friends who had not yet experienced either the lake or the waterfall, Julie, Chelsea, Walker, Jon, and Malcom. They were also very patient with my driving...even though I ran over a median...and got talked to by the police for stopping on a "pedestrian walk"...but we survived!
Survived the waterfall again! |
Ms. Cuty is as wonderful as ever! She spent the summer between Tegus and Florida, where her 2 oldest children live. Her daughter gave her and her husband tickets to a week in Spain, which was a highlight I think!
Highlights from Home: Lara got ENGAGED! Steffi got ENGAGED! Dallas turned 21! Nathan turned 18! Mom and the boys went to SCOTLAND! Dad fixed a lot of fence from the FLOODING.