Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To California?

Performing at Santa Monica
   The past week has been an adventure of a different type. Ms. Kendra, the music teacher, and I took the High School Honor Choir to Las Angeles for a musical/cultural exchange.
   We flew from Tegucigalpa to San Salvador then on to LAX. We arrived at 1am where there was a shuttle that met us to take us to the Marriot Hotel. We sent everyone to bed for a few hours before getting back up and dressed for the day. Our first visit was to Santa Monica High School. This school was a great experience for the students to see sight reading, advanced choral techniques, and different methods of teaching. It was amazing to watch the Santa Monica students perform! After lunch, we went to the Santa Monica Pier though it was cold!! We walked the 3rd Street Promenade in the evening.
Chapman University Choir
   Friday morning, we held an exchange with Stanford Middle School. The exchanges were arranged because these teacher had been colleagues of Ms. Kendra's during her years at University. The students here loved having Hondurans visit, and begged the girls to show them how to dance. Next, we drove to Chapman University in Orange, CA to watch a rehearsal of their University Choir. We spent the afternoon at Huntington Beach and it was still freeing! For the evening, we were able to return to Chapman University to experience the concert. It was wonderful to listen to their performance!
   For a day of freedom, the students chose Knott's Berry Farm. We survived the rides. The afternoon was wiled away at the board walk along Longbeach.
    Sunday, we flew back to Tegus. None the worse for wear and having left a lasting impression of music in the minds of our high school students.

  P.S. This was my first time back in the States for nine months! Being in a foreign city, I kept trying to talk to the service people in Spanish....oops!

Santa Monica
Santa Monica Pier

Longbeach Boardwalk

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